Special Cupcakes


Our special cupcakes are our most popular gift box, they look absolutely stunning in their glossy white box, ribbon and have an optional gift note attached.

Our special cupcakes are our signature range. These beautifully iced cupcakes are a mix of our classic flavours and are decorated with our dreamy buttercream, sprinkles and a touch of glitter for that extra sparkle.

You can opt for an edible disc for a special message (Mum, Happy Birthday, Love You, Thanks, Good Luck, Congratulations ).  Just let us know in the notes section what you'd like on the disc.

You can either choose your favourite icing colours or leave it to us and we'll make a gorgeous box of cupcakes for you :)

Available in a box of 6 or 12 for pick up or delivery.

We deliver to Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Wellington and Porirua.

A Cake Creation
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