Sunflower Bouquet (Seasonal)


About Sunflower Bouquet

Main image is 6 stems.

Add a touch of happiness to your home or someone's day with our Sunflower Bouquet. Each bouquet contains 6 or 12 stems of seasonal sunflowers, some of which may still be closed for extended enjoyment. Don't miss out on this seasonal treat!

Presented in exclusive About You wrap with elegant tissue paper and ribbon trim.

Please note Each bloom is seasonal designed and may not be exactly the same as the picture shown. Please remember to leave us your phone number so we can contact you easier if there is anything that we need to confirm with you.

Delivery information How much is your delivery fee?

Fresh Flowers and Plants - Rodney Area - $14; North shore - $20

For the rest of Auckland please phone us and we will try to accommodate

How long does your delivery take?

Bouquets and Flower arrangements

If you'd like to order flowers for same day delivery after our 12pm cutoff time please give us a call and we will do our best to accommodate you :)

Order by 12pm; for Same-day delivery, available for selected products to Rodney area. And next-day delivery to the rest of Auckland - usually delivered by 6pm. Orders after 12pm will be dispatched the next business day.


Orders after 12pm will be dispatched the next business day via post. Delivery takes between 1-3 business days for urban areas and longer for rural area.

For more details please email

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