Heavy Machinery US IPA


Heavy Machinery

Put on your hard hat. Slip on a hi-viz vest.
Pull on some steel-cap boots. Let's get to work….

This beer is big. Longer than an 18-wheeler, and heavier than a front-end loader.
Just like a new build, a big beer needs a solid foundation, in this case a mash-tun crammed full of golden grains.
We then crane in a skip’s worth of premium American hops: Citra, Simcoe & Columbus.

The result is a full-flavoured, full-bodied, full-on beer with an intense tropical hop flavour that always passes final inspection.

We hope you enjoy this USIPA but please drink only after work is finished for the day, and of course….
…do not operate heavy machinery after consuming.

Can you dig it?

ABV: 9%

Hoppiness: 5/5
Maltiness: 3/5

Enjoy a guided tasting with our head brewer Brandon here.

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