Aura Cleansing Kit


Our Aura Cleanse Kit is designed to help you cleanse and refresh your aura while creating a positive and harmonious environment. This kit includes a choice of either a 50ml or 100ml Aura Spray, infused with crystal-infused spring water, salts, and pure essential oils known for their aura-cleansing properties.

In addition to the Aura Spray, the kit also includes a White Sage smudge stick and an ash plate, perfect for smudging and clearing negative energies. Palo Santo wood, another powerful cleansing tool, is also included to bring in good vibes and positive energy.

To enhance protection and further cleanse your space, the kit features a large black obsidian chunk, black tourmaline and a selenite wand. Black obsidian is known for its grounding and protective properties, while selenite is renowned for its cleansing abilities.

With our Aura Cleanse Kit, you'll have all the tools necessary to cleanse your aura, clear your space, and invite positive energy into your life. Embrace the power of these sacred tools and experience the transformative effects they can bring.

crystal goddess
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