

Handmade in the Wairarapa, these biscuit treats for dogs are rich in protein and omega 3, and packed full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Baked with human-grade ingredients, they are grain, gluten and dairy free with no added salt, sugar or preservatives.

Grass Fed Wairarapa Beef Liver Treats ingredients: beef liver, free range eggs, parsley, coconut oil, garbanzo, soy and tapioca flour, ground flaxseed, ground sunflower seeds, sesame seeds. Approximately 15 treats, 130g.

Free Range Chicken Liver Treats ingredients: chicken liver, free range eggs, parsley, garlic, coconut oil, garbanzo, soy and tapioca flour, ground flaxseed, ground sunflower seeds, sesame seeds. Approximately 15 treats, 130g.

The Grocer Martinborough
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