Tour Tech

Tour Tech design & build customised bullet proof touring solutions for artists & production companies. With a background in touring and events we understand the need for equipment that has consistency, reliability, redundancy & compact fly options
  • $7,999 +
    Playback Rack
    In the modern touring age, backing tracks & playback have become an integral part of many live shows around the world. While they open up endless possibilities to advance any show, when not configured correctly it can lead to show stopping issues.We regularly work with playback systems and have deve...
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  • $5,999 +
    ShowKontrol Timecode Rack
    In recent years the use of timecode for Lighting and Visuals has become the new norm for many major touring DJ’s. Using TC Supply’s ShowKontrol provides a fantastic solution to insert timecode into any set taking live data from the CDJ’s onstage.We have developed a system that takes r...
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  •   +
    IEM Split/Mixer Rack
    Missing consistency from your onstage monitor mix? Sick of asking the sound engineer to turn you up?We understand the need for musicians to hear everything they need and hear it consistently so we have developed many systems for onstage monitoring. Using custom mic splitters, consoles from Presonus...
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