Eternal Blush Bouquet - Standard Size


Celebrate special occasions with Wandering Willow Eternal Blush Bouquet. Made with a mixture of dried and preserved florals, this bouquet is made to last for years with minimal care. It is sure to impress for this special occasion. Make memories that last a lifetime with this beautiful bouquet.

50cm L x 35cm W approx (including wrapping)

Standard bouquet includes 3 dusty pink preserved roses in the bouquet

Personalized your gift with Bennetto Chocolate and WW Soy Candle.

Add personal message and choose your preferred delivery date at checkout.

Please keep in mind that flowers are a natural product, what you receive may differ slightly from pictured.

If you have any questions, want custom changes or need an urgent order, please feel free to here.


To keep your preserved and dried florals looking fresh and natural forever, consider the following tips in our 'care guide'.


Please note that there is a 2 - 5 business days turnaround time for all of our arrangements.

Once shipped, you can expect delivery in 1 - 2 business days for the North Island and 2 - 3 business days for the South Island. For rural delivery, please add an extra 2 - 3 business days.


All of our arrangements are carefully wrapped in bubble wrap to ensure they arrive to their destination safely and unharmed.

Wandering Willow Nz
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